Sunday 8 May 2011

a little dose of humility...

leaders need to show the way and to be a good leader one must be confident and optimistic...that's what most leadership books teach us...but that's not always true...too much confident can be seen as arrogant and self-centered too...worse you may irritate your peers and lose their respect and trust...i came across a senior guy who really wanted to be respected...but the more he wants it the farther it moves away from him...he probably forget that respect is something that is doesn't just happened because you are in a leadership position or used to be the VIP/VVIP...boasting about your great past won't help either...i always believe that one needs to be down to earth sometimes...treats others with respect and one will naturally be Dan McCarthy said...a little dose of humility can play a big role too...there is nothing wrong in admitting your mistake or asking for help ain't it...but no one would want to follow a wimpy and pessimistic leaders either...cheers

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