Monday, 10 December 2012

...indiepreneurs II

...albert einstein once said "the intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant...we have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift"...what a powerful quote that is...he also said "we can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them"...i guess we are now living in a more complicated world...lots of challenges with very limited resources...but instead of crying for more resources, we need to be more innovative in achieving our agenda within the limited resources that we have...there is no perfect place...innovation means, among others, new ways of doing things, new processes, new products...and that requires new ways of thinking...willingness to challenge the norms...and do things differently...why afraid of making mistakes...because we all learn from mistakes polishing won't last safe approach won't help your organization...that is irresponsible...don't be afraid of voicing your opinion...just speak up...we need more crazy ideas to HBR blog about the skills that make an entrepreneur...the first trait is persuasion...ability to convince others to change the way they think, believe or behave...second is leadership...those having compelling vision for the future...third is personal accountability...initiative, self-confidence, resiliency and willingness to take responsibility for personal action...fourth is goal orientation....energetically focusing efforts on meeting a goal, mission or objective...last is interpersonal skills...the glue that holds the four skills together...but changing a culture is never sometimes require force...force will create norm...and norm becomes a new culture...that's one of the lessons we can learn from China...looks where China is now compared to India...we had a meeting yesterday...discussing about the students' low participation rate in the assessment exercise...we have to create awareness...about almost everything...awareness about research, awareness about publication...awareness about bla bla bla...that's always the favorite suggestion...i have heard that many times since many years ago...but things remain the same...the question is how much longer we have to wait...after 28 years we are still talking about creating awareness without realizing that many others are already far ahead of's time for us to move forward and do things can we leapfrog to another level...i might be wrong but that's my about yours...

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