Wednesday 5 October 2011

...a day without a mobile phone

...half way to work today, i feel a bit weird...don't feel the normal vibrations in my pocket...alerting me of the new emails, messages or phone calls...then realised that i've left my mobile phone (blackberry) at home...hmmm to go back or not to go back...wisely i decided to forget about the phone and continue driving to my office...i can check my emails later at office...and when i want to ha2...many people said they can't live without their mobile phone(s) even for a day...they would somehow feel disconnected with the'll never know when your big boss or your mama or dearest wife or maybe a girlfriend(s) would call you...that's what they let it be...i wanna know how it feels not to have a mobile phone for a day...I remember the 1980s and 90s, when we had the line telephone to stay connected or wrote letters to stay in problem with that right...but this technology or gadget has reduced us to freaks, robots and zombies whether we want to believe it or not...that's my reasoning for today...will share with you how it actually feels tomorrow...cheers

1 comment:

  1. assalam Prof,
    When I'm jobless now, hp is not a neccesity. I try to reduce the usage because it will be a burden to pay when i can't spare much to pay hp bills. Anyway for Prof it's really a necessity and its nice sometimes to have Hari Sifar Pengunaan HP.
